I had a bit of a surprise today. I went into my current DAW – Universal Audio’s LUNA – to do something so basic, I took it for granted. Only it wasn’t there …
Continue reading “Today I Learned: UAD’s LUNA Doesn’t Natively Support Flipping The Phase Of A Recorded Track”2020 Review: Resolutions From Last Year
Last year, I did post a bunch of music-related New Year resolutions. How did I get on? Let’s find out.
Continue reading “2020 Review: Resolutions From Last Year”New Arrivals: December 2020
I had a plan for December: keep an eye out for outright bargains or ultra-rare pedals on the second-hand market, and spend more time enjoying what arrived last month.
Then, when writing up my Annual Review blog posts, that all changed. Looking back over the last 12 months made me realise that there was an obvious problem, and I needed to sort it out. So, I have.
I hope you had a great Christmas and a Happy New Year. We filled our house with music, and it’s what gets us through these historic times.
Continue reading “New Arrivals: December 2020”2020 Review: Home Studio Gear
Rather than do a ‘best of’ style post, every year I’m going to do a rundown of what home studio gear I’ve used this year, and why.
Previous posts in the series: [2019]
Continue reading “2020 Review: Home Studio Gear”2020 Review: Gigging Gear
Rather than do a ‘best of’ style post, every year I’m going to do a rundown of what gear we started with and what gear we ended up with – along with a discussion of why.
Previous posts in this series: [2019]
Continue reading “2020 Review: Gigging Gear”Side By Side: NABLA Custom Black Tweed and Mythos Lark

In my first impressions of the NABLA Custom Black Tweed, I said that one of the things I didn’t like about it was that I found the tone to sound very dull. This morning, I was going back through my New Arrivals posts, and I was reminded of another tweed-tone pedal with a top-end that I didn’t like at first: the Mythos Lark.
I thought it’d be interesting to throw them both on the board together, and explore them side by side. This isn’t a ‘best’ kind of review: it’s about understanding the options that each pedal offers … and yes, about exploring the top-end of them both.
Continue reading “Side By Side: NABLA Custom Black Tweed and Mythos Lark”2020 Review: Guitars For Home Playing
Rather than do a ‘best of’ style post, every year I’m going to do a rundown of what guitars I’ve had my hands on, and what I’ve learned from the experience.
This post covers guitars I play at home for fun. I’ll cover the guitars that I gig with on Wednesday.
Previous articles: [2019]
Continue reading “2020 Review: Guitars For Home Playing”2020 Review: Pedals
Rather than do a ‘best of’ style post, every year I’m going to do a rundown of what pedals I’m using, and why.
Previous posts in the series: [2019]
Continue reading “2020 Review: Pedals”First Impressions: NABLA Custom Black Tweed Overdrive Pedal

This arrived all the way back at the start of December, and since then, it’s barely been off my practice pedal board at home. Although that sounds like a really good thing, the reality is a little more complicated than that …
Continue reading “First Impressions: NABLA Custom Black Tweed Overdrive Pedal”2020 Review: Pedal Platform Amps
Rather than do a ‘best of’ style post, every year I’m going to do a rundown of what amps I’m using for pedal platforms, and why.
Previous articles: [2019]
Continue reading “2020 Review: Pedal Platform Amps”