Pure Tone Amps 7th Anniversary Custom Amp Demo

Johan Segeborn has posted a demo of the 7th Anniversary Custom Amp by Pure Tone Amps. It’s a very vintage sound that works well with all three Holy Trinity guitars – Stratocaster, Telecaster, and Les Paul.

It’s not an amp manufacturer that I’d heard of before. They hand-build every amp, and according to the website, every amp is unique. Make no mistake – these are boutique amps with pricing to match. They’re also different. Check them out. They might just appeal to you.

If you like the video, please head over to Johan’s YouTube channel to like the video and leave a comment.

Marshall DSL1C 2018 Review

Over at In The Blues, Shane has posted a review of the new Marshall DSL1C. It’s a 1W valve amp – a bit like the Blackstar HT-1 – that’s likely to be on your list if you’re looking for a small practice amp for home.

The old DSL range was very popular, especially the DSL40C combo that featured so much on Anderton’s Sound Like series. From the HNAD forum posts I’ve seen so far, the new DSL range might prove to be even better.

Me, I’m waiting for the Marshall Origin amps to land …

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Fender Blues Junior III vs IV

Over on In The Blues, Shane has posted a comparison of the Fender Blues Junior III vs the brand new Blues Junior IV. He even throws in a comparison with the Blues Junior SE – an amp I’d never heard of before!

The Blues Junior is one of the most popular valve amps around, especially with  home players like us. It’s a classic amp. How will the new Blues Junior IV stack up?

Please head over to YouTube and leave a like and a comment if you enjoy Shane’s video.