T-Rex Handbuilt Mudhoney Demo

Danish Pete from Andertons (and before that, from demoing Mesa Boogie gear) has his own YouTube channel – and he’s just uploaded a demo of the new hand built Mudhoney from T-Rex.

He’s a phenomenal player. Give him a looper and an overdrive, and he’ll entertain for hours. This video is no exception.

There’s a really cool story behind this video. Pete had #4 of the original Mudhoney run, and he let T-Rex have it for their museum cabinet. Turns out that they took it apart, and used it as the basis for this new handbuilt series of Mudhoney pedals. So Pete’s in effect demoing a recreation of his old Pedal here.

Please head over to YouTube to leave a like and a comment if you enjoyed Pete’s video. And maybe hit that subscribe button too while you’re there?

Sounds Like – Modern Tones Rig

Matt and Rabea are back with another Sounds Like video for Andertons – and this time they’ve built a generic rig for modern high-gain tones.

If you haven’t come across it before, the Sounds Like series is a great way to see how to build a rig to achieve a given sound.

Many of the videos stick to a budget of £1,500, and it’s been educational to watch just how much prices have gone up since the Brexit referendum.

Please head over to YouTube to leave a like and a supportive comment if you enjoy Matt and Rabea’s video.

Donner Black Devil Drive Pedal Demo

Shane’s posted another of his Donner “amp in a box” pedal demos. This time, he’s looking at the Black Devil, which emulates the Peavey 6505 amp.

I’ve never played a real 6505, so I’ve no idea whether or not this pedal comes close. It does have a thick and saturated tone, which might be exactly what you’re looking for.

Please head over to YouTube to leave a like and a supportive comment if you enjoyed Shane’s video.

King of Tone – Is It Worth It?

Chris Buck – sporting his new pirate look – has posted a vlog answering some questions he’s had about the King of Tone pedal.

He’s had a much happier time with the KoT to date than I’ve had, it’s fair to say. And it certainly sounds fantastic in his hands on this video.

Last year, I listed the KoT amongst my top 3 disappointing buys of 2017. I’ve still got it. (I’ve still got all 3 things that made the list, in fact.) I need to try it through my new amp setup first before deciding whether to move it on or not.

Please head over to YouTube to leave a like and a supportive comment if you enjoyed Chris’ video.

Ariel Posen – Pedal Boad Rundown

The folks over at Guitarist Magazine have posted an interview with Ariel Posen, whom some of you might have come across from the Andertons videos or That Pedal Show.

Man, they did a great job recording the audio on this one. It’s such a rich tone, with plenty of body captured without it sounding muddy at all.

I’m going to go and play it again with my eyes closed, just to enjoy that glorious sound once more.

Oh yeah, there’s a bunch of great pedals featured too in the video. I’m far too busy just listening to that tone to list them out here for you though, sorry!

Please head over to YouTube to leave a like and a supportive comment if you enjoyed Guitarist Magazine’s video.

Initial Thoughts On The Santa Ana Overdrive

Earlier today, I had the opportunity to play the new Fender Santa Ana Overdrive for myself. AStrings’ recent demo had left me unsure what this pedal actually was, so I thought I’d go and find out for myself.

And I’m glad that I did.

I ran the Santa Ana into the vibrato channel of a Fender Deluxe Reverb Reissue (DRRI). I went for that amp partly because it’s the clean tone that I’m into right now, and partly because I know that particular DRRI is a very sweet-sounding amp. (If only I had the space for it, it would have come home with me a long time ago!)

For guitars, I used two very different beasts: a single-cut PRS 594, and a certain green Fender Special Telecaster. I’m not sure how I managed to leave the store without the Telecaster …

I haven’t come across another drive pedal that sounds quite like the Santa Ana Overdrive does. To my ears, it does offer something different.

I really liked how it sounded through the DRRI. Roll back the treble and presence a bit, wind up the drive and mids, and there’s a really sweet creamy lead tone there. Roll back the volume on the guitar, and you’re in ZZ-Top-ish Texas tones for rhythm.

There’s a softness to the initial attack that I particularly liked. Along with the pedal’s natural compression, it certainly made me sound a lot more fluid than I really am! I really enjoyed how it tamed the natural spikiness of the Tele’s bridge pickup. I had a hard job handing the Tele back after that 🙂

You can hear an example of what I mean in the jam at the end of this video:

The jam starts just after the 32 minute mark. The tone that Danish Pete gets out his Les Paul is very similar to what I was getting myself today.

Also, check out the earlier jam around the 25 minute mark. Very impressed with how well the Pugulist Distortion pedal worked over the top of the Santa Ana Overdrive in that.

Other thoughts …

The light-up knobs aren’t a gimmick. Even in a well-lit shop, I found they made it quicker to see how the pedal was dialled in. I wonder if we’ll see them catch on with other brands.

The two voices were different, but not drastically so. A bit like how a Tweed is different to a Deluxe, I guess. One was a bit more in your face than the other. Both were very usable.

The boost/extra drive circuit doesn’t change the tone at all. It’s just either a volume gain or increased saturation. I’m not sure that I’d make any use of it personally. I’m more inclined to either ride the volume knob of my guitar, or kick on a second pedal to change the tone.

It’s an interesting pedal, and I’m sure I’ll be picking one up at some point.

Fender Pedals Demo

We’ve already seen AStrings demo the new Fender pedals, and now it’s the turn of Andertons. Watch the Captain and Danish Pete give you their thoughts on them here:

They’ve got all six pedals out, running them into a Victory V40 Deluxe and a Hot Rod Deluxe v4. These two amps sound very different to the Bassbreaker that AStrings used in their demos, so even if you watched all the excellent AStrings demos, the Andertons’ video offers a different look at these new pedals.

Please head over to YouTube to leave a like and a supportive comment if you enjoyed their video.

Fender’s Stan Cotey On The New Pedals

This popped up in my Twitter feed of all places this morning. Fender has posted a video interview with Stan Cotey, who heads up the new pedal team inside Fender.

There’s a couple of things in the interview that really caught my attention.

These new Fender pedals aren’t clones of existing circuits; they’re all designed from scratch. That makes me even more interested in trying out the Santa Ana Overdrive for myself now.

Stan also talks about there being more pedals in the pipeline. I wonder what we’ll see next from them?

Please head over to YouTube to leave a like and a supportive comment if you enjoyed Fender’s video.

Fender Santa Ana Overdrive Demo

The lovely folks over at AStrings have posted their third video on Fender’s new pedal lineup. This one looks at the Santa Ana Overdrive pedal.

The Santa Ana is a dual-voiced overdrive with an additional boost circuit if you want it. You can switch between the two voices using a toggle switch on the front panel.

After watching the video, I’m not sure how I’d describe the tone of the Santa Ana Overdrive. I think Adam hit the nail on the head when he said that this is a pedal you need to try for yourself, through the amp of your choice. I’d certainly like to hear it through something like a Hot Rod Deluxe to get a better idea of what this pedal is.

Please head over to YouTube to leave a like and a supportive comment if you enjoyed their video.

Fender Pugilist Distortion Pedal Demo

Tom and Adam from AStrings have just uploaded another demo of one of Fender’s new 2018 pedals: the Pugilist Distortion. This one has some serious chunk to it!

There’s two separate gain circuits in the Pugilist. You’ve got the option of running a blend of them together, or stacking one into the other in series. Either one results in very thick and meaty tone.

Please head over to YouTube to leave a like and a supportive comment if you enjoyed the video.