Father Christmas has been, and left me something very purple indeed 🙂

What do I think of it? Read on to find out.
Continue reading “First Impressions: ThorpyFX The Dane mk2 Overdrive / Boost Pedal”Tone. At Home.
What do I think about a piece of new (to me) gear at first? We all know first impressions don’t last, but at least this way I can look back and see how my opinion has changed from when I first tried something.
Father Christmas has been, and left me something very purple indeed 🙂
What do I think of it? Read on to find out.
Continue reading “First Impressions: ThorpyFX The Dane mk2 Overdrive / Boost Pedal”I recently bought an Umbrella Company Hitchhike Drive pedal.
What do I think of it? Read on for my first impressions.
Continue reading “First Impressions: Umbrella Company Hitchhike Drive”I recently picked up an 83 Drive by Demonfx.
What did I think of it? Read on for my First Impressions.
Continue reading “First Impressions: Demonfx 83 Drive”I recently picked up one of the pedals on my bucket list: the Rockbox Baby Blues vintage distortion pedal.
What do I think of it? Read on for my First Impressions.
Continue reading “First Impressions: Rockbox Baby Blues Vintage Distortion”Recently, I picked up a JHS Notaklön overdrive pedal.
What do I think of it? Read on for my initial thoughts.
Continue reading “First Impressions: JHS Pedals Notaklön”I recently picked up a Blue Bee Overdrive (4 knob version), or BBOD4K for short, by One Control.
What do I think of it? Read on for my (shorter than usual) First Impressions.
Continue reading “First Impressions: One Control Blue Bee OD 4K Mini (BBOD4K) Overdrive”This is a second (and lengthy!) look at the LPD Pedals Dutch ’24 that I recently bought.
I’ve already written a First Impressions on the Dutch ’24. In that, I said that I’d briefly tried it as a main overdrive, and was a bit meh about it. (You should definitely go and read that post. I was very happy with how it helped me address the top-end of position 4 on my Strat.)
When used as a main overdrive, I’m finding the Dutch ’24 both incredibly familiar and – at the exact same time! – quite different too.
It’s been bugging me ever since.
So I spent a couple of evenings at the start of the week comparing the Dutch ’24 against other pedals aimed at the blues-rock market.
Along the way, I fell in love with how the Dutch ’24 is its own thing.
Continue reading “First Impressions: LPD Pedals Dutch ’24 Overdrive As A Main Overdrive Pedal”I recently bought a LPD Pedals Dutch ’24 Overdrive pedal.
What do I think of it? Read on for my First Impressions.
Continue reading “First Impressions: LPD Pedals Dutch ’24 Overdrive”I recently bought a LPD Pedals Fifty5 overdrive pedal.
What do I think of it? Here are my First Impressions.
You might want to grab a drink for this one. There’s a lot to cover, as the Fifty5 has three different tone characteristics to explore …
Continue reading “First Impressions: LPD Pedals Fifty5 Tweed Overdrive”I recently picked up a Tomahawk Deluxe overdrive pedal from Greer Amps.
What do I think of it? Read on for my first impressions.
Continue reading “First Impression: Greer Amps Tomahawk Deluxe Drive Pedal”