Father Christmas has been, and left me something very purple indeed 🙂

What do I think of it? Read on to find out.
Continue reading “First Impressions: ThorpyFX The Dane mk2 Overdrive / Boost Pedal”Tone. At Home.
Father Christmas has been, and left me something very purple indeed 🙂
What do I think of it? Read on to find out.
Continue reading “First Impressions: ThorpyFX The Dane mk2 Overdrive / Boost Pedal”#CoffeeAndKlon is my (irregular!) Sunday morning magazine series, where I talk about whatever’s on my mind right now. There’s always coffee, and there’s normally chat about the Klon and its many competitors.
This week, what was meant to be a very quick look at a recent klone purchase somewhat spiralled out of control … and turned into a (very brief!) catchup on all the klones that I’ve picked up in the last couple of years.
I’ve got a few more than I realised, especially considering that I (supposedly) stopped collecting them back in April 2020 when I got my Ceriatone Centura!
Continue reading “#CoffeeAndKlon 41: My Lesser-Heard Klones Roundup”I recently bought an Umbrella Company Hitchhike Drive pedal.
What do I think of it? Read on for my first impressions.
Continue reading “First Impressions: Umbrella Company Hitchhike Drive”I recently bought a LPD Pedals Dutch ’24 Overdrive pedal.
What do I think of it? Read on for my First Impressions.
Continue reading “First Impressions: LPD Pedals Dutch ’24 Overdrive”I recently bought a LPD Pedals Fifty5 overdrive pedal.
What do I think of it? Here are my First Impressions.
You might want to grab a drink for this one. There’s a lot to cover, as the Fifty5 has three different tone characteristics to explore …
Continue reading “First Impressions: LPD Pedals Fifty5 Tweed Overdrive”I recently picked up a JRAD Monkeyman tweed overdrive pedal.
I think this is a fantastic tweed-tone pedal. Read on for my First Impressions, where I’ll try and demonstrate why.
Continue reading “First Impressions: JRAD Monkeyman Tweed Overdrive”I’ve just bought a Tweed Drive by True North pedals.
What do I think of it? Read on for my First Impressions.
Continue reading “First Impressions: True North Pedals Tweed Drive”Rather than do a ‘best of’ style post, every year I’m writing up a rundown of what pedals I’m using, and why.
Previous years: [2019] [2020] [2021][2022]
Continue reading “2023 Review: Pedals”I recently picked up another tweed tone pedal: the Gee Willikers (Model G) overdrive pedal from Bearfoot FX.
What do I think of it? Read on for my First Impressions.
Continue reading “First Impressions: Bearfoot FX Gee Willikers (Model G) Overdrive Pedal”#CoffeeAndKlon is my occasional Sunday magazine-style series, where I talk about whatever’s on my mind about guitars, gear, music and yes, sometimes my love of both coffee and the Klon pedal.
How can I put this? It feels like it’s become a bit of a pastime for some folks on the Internet to mock the idea of using a Klon as a clean boost. So this time around, let me give you a concrete example of why I love using my Klon as a clean boost pedal – with audio clips.
Continue reading “#CoffeeAndKlon 31: In Praise Of A Clean Boost Klon Into Overdrive”