Studio Diary #43: How I Level-Match Demo Tracks In Universal Audio’s LUNA

I’m just prepping the audio for an upcoming blog post, and I thought it would useful to document how I go about it …

… because there’s a couple of gotchas that I’ve run into, that I don’t want to forget about.

And if I didn’t know this, maybe it’ll help someone else who needs to do the same thing? Or maybe someone who knows better will see this and leave a comment with helpful advice?

Continue reading “Studio Diary #43: How I Level-Match Demo Tracks In Universal Audio’s LUNA”

Studio Diary #39: Why I Use DAW Plugins For Delay And Reverb On My #TweedTone Comparisons

‘Studio Diary’ is an occasional series where I talk about building a home recording setup for hobbyists and enthusiasts like us. I share my personal experiences, and the thinking behind some of the decisions that I’ve made along the way.

This time around, I want to answer a question that nobody has asked me. Why am I using DAW plugins for delay and reverb, instead of my Axe-FX 3?

Read on if you’re interested in my thinking behind this decision. And if you’re not interested, no worries 🙂

Continue reading “Studio Diary #39: Why I Use DAW Plugins For Delay And Reverb On My #TweedTone Comparisons”

Making Music #2: Blocking Out “Ragged Perceptions”

Making Music is where I share the process as I write, arrange, record and release my music. You’ll get to read it all: what went well, what really didn’t, the decisions I had to make along the way, and why I made them. I hope you find it useful!

When I’m recording music, my first step is to create a tempo / section block map. What is that, and how do I go about doing it?

Continue reading “Making Music #2: Blocking Out “Ragged Perceptions””

Studio Diary #31: Attenuators Colour The Sound

This photo shows the front panel of my Fryette PS-100 Power Station attenuator. To one side, we can also see a glimpse of my Two Notes Captor too.
The Two Notes Captor and Fryette PS-100 Power Station

Attenuators are one of the reasons we can enjoy valve amps at home without upsetting the neighbours. I’ve never really thought about how they affect the overall tone … until now.

In this blog post, I’m going to look at the two attenuators that I have – the Two Notes Captor and the Fryette PS-100 Power Station – and work out what they sound like. And I’m including some sound samples, so that you can hear the differences for yourself.

Continue reading “Studio Diary #31: Attenuators Colour The Sound”