Towards the end of last month, I picked up one of these:

Read on for my First Impressions.
Continue reading “First Impressions: Earthquaker Devices Special Cranker Overdrive Pedal”Tone. At Home.
Towards the end of last month, I picked up one of these:
Read on for my First Impressions.
Continue reading “First Impressions: Earthquaker Devices Special Cranker Overdrive Pedal”After a couple of months with no new (to me) gear, May has been a very busy month.
There’s a few items I’ve been after, both professionally and for home use. All of these things needed to be imported: some because they’re not sold in the UK, and some because they are sold here but are constantly out of stock.
With the UK government threatening to illegally break its own treaty and start a (doomed) trade war with Europe, I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to get them if I didn’t act now. On top of that, rampant inflation means that buying later means paying a lot more.
Now that they’re here, what do I think of them? And how was the import process? Read on for my First Impressions.
Continue reading “New Arrivals: May 2022”This will be the last regular “New Arrivals” for the time being.
Partly thanks to the UK Government following scientific advice that was based on an outdated model of the wrong disease, Britain has failed to contain the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus before it became widespread. We’re heading for a lengthy social lockdown (at best), with the serious economic hardship that inevitably follows.
Don’t worry, the blog’s not going anywhere. It’s just that there’s more important things right now than buying guitar gear.
Continue reading “New Arrivals: March 2020”I don’t have a lot of experience with Earthquaker Devices. Over here, they’re a pretty rare brand, and pricey too. I have had both versions of their Speaker Cranker pedal at various points, and I really liked them.
Am I going to like the Dunes as much?
Continue reading “First Impressions: Earthquaker Devices Dunes Drive Pedal”Henning has taken a look at the Rainbow Machine from the mad scientists at EarthQuaker Devices.
I don’t know how to describe this pedal. It’s nothing like your traditional chorus, modulation or delay pedal. It’s its own thing.
Watch the video to hear it for yourself, then please head over to YouTube to leave a like and a supportive comment.