Towards the end of last month, I picked up one of these:

Read on for my First Impressions.
Continue reading “First Impressions: Earthquaker Devices Special Cranker Overdrive Pedal”Tone. At Home.
Towards the end of last month, I picked up one of these:
Read on for my First Impressions.
Continue reading “First Impressions: Earthquaker Devices Special Cranker Overdrive Pedal”After a couple of months with no new (to me) gear, May has been a very busy month.
There’s a few items I’ve been after, both professionally and for home use. All of these things needed to be imported: some because they’re not sold in the UK, and some because they are sold here but are constantly out of stock.
With the UK government threatening to illegally break its own treaty and start a (doomed) trade war with Europe, I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to get them if I didn’t act now. On top of that, rampant inflation means that buying later means paying a lot more.
Now that they’re here, what do I think of them? And how was the import process? Read on for my First Impressions.
Continue reading “New Arrivals: May 2022”