First Impressions: LPD Pedals Dutch ’24 Overdrive As A Main Overdrive Pedal

This is a second (and lengthy!) look at the LPD Pedals Dutch ’24 that I recently bought.

Walrus Audio 385, LPD Pedals Dutch ’24 and Mad Professor Little Green Wonder on my pedalboard.

I’ve already written a First Impressions on the Dutch ’24. In that, I said that I’d briefly tried it as a main overdrive, and was a bit meh about it. (You should definitely go and read that post. I was very happy with how it helped me address the top-end of position 4 on my Strat.)

When used as a main overdrive, I’m finding the Dutch ’24 both incredibly familiar and – at the exact same time! – quite different too.

It’s been bugging me ever since.

So I spent a couple of evenings at the start of the week comparing the Dutch ’24 against other pedals aimed at the blues-rock market.

Along the way, I fell in love with how the Dutch ’24 is its own thing.

Continue reading “First Impressions: LPD Pedals Dutch ’24 Overdrive As A Main Overdrive Pedal”

Side-By-Side: Marshall Shredmaster and Warm Audio ODD Box v1

When I looked at how Marshall’s The Guv’nor sounded next to Warm Audio’s ODD Box v1, I came away with some questions. One of them was this: is the ODD Box closer to the Shredmaster than the Guv’nor in sound?

Marshall Shredmaster and Warm Audio ODD Box v1 on my pedalboard

This is just a quick blog post to find out.

Continue reading “Side-By-Side: Marshall Shredmaster and Warm Audio ODD Box v1”

First Impressions: Neumann KM184 Small Diaphragm Condenser Microphone Matched Pair

This year (2021), I’m on a mission. I’m learning how to record acoustic guitar at home, so that I can record some of my older, original music.

Earlier this month, I picked up the Roswell mini K47 large diaphragm condenser. Now, I’ve added a set of Neumann KM184’s to my mic locker too. How am I getting on with them? Read on for my First Impressions.

Continue reading “First Impressions: Neumann KM184 Small Diaphragm Condenser Microphone Matched Pair”