#CoffeeAndKlon 41: My Lesser-Heard Klones Roundup

#CoffeeAndKlon is my (irregular!) Sunday morning magazine series, where I talk about whatever’s on my mind right now. There’s always coffee, and there’s normally chat about the Klon and its many competitors.

This week, what was meant to be a very quick look at a recent klone purchase somewhat spiralled out of control … and turned into a (very brief!) catchup on all the klones that I’ve picked up in the last couple of years.

I’ve got a few more than I realised, especially considering that I (supposedly) stopped collecting them back in April 2020 when I got my Ceriatone Centura!

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First Impressions: Marshall Bluesbreaker Vintage Reissue Overdrive Pedal

At the start of March 2023, I picked up all four of Marshall’s vintage reissue drive pedals. I’ve already posted my First Impressions on the ShredMaster and DriveMaster pedals.

Last, but not least, it’s time to explore the most legendary of them all: the Bluesbreaker. Here are my First Impressions.

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TweedTalk #3: Mad Professor’s Little Tweedy Drive

Over on Twitter, my friend Alessandro asked for opinions about Mad Professor’s Little Tweedy Drive.


Yes, I have opinions about this particular pedal. I wasn’t a fan when I first got this pedal. Will that change, when I take a second look at the Little Tweedy Drive? Read on to find out.

Continue reading “TweedTalk #3: Mad Professor’s Little Tweedy Drive”

Second Bite: Wampler Paisley Deluxe

This photo shows two pedals on my pedalboard.

On the left is the Paisley Drive Deluxe, made by Wampler Pedals. It has two foot switches, one to activate each side of the pedal.

On the right is the Forest Green Compressor, by Mad Professor. This just has the one foot switch.
The Wampler Paisley Drive Deluxe and Mad Professor Forest Green Compressor

Back in March 2020, I picked up a second hand Paisley Deluxe (Paisley Drive Deluxe? Even Wampler’s own marketing uses both terms …), and really struggled with it. And that has bugged me ever since.

A lot has changed since then. Will that make any difference, or will it still be a pedal that just isn’t for me? Details below 🙂

Continue reading “Second Bite: Wampler Paisley Deluxe”

First Impressions: Tone City Sweet Cream Overdrive

The Sweet Cream Overdrive, next to the GOAT of tweed-tone pedals.

Back in May 2021 (where did the time go?!?), I picked up a second-hand Tone City Sweet Cream Overdrive pedal. I’ve finally put it onto my pedal board, to see what it can do.

Is it a outright clone of the Sweet Honey Overdrive, or does it have something different to offer? Read on for my First Impressions.

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#CoffeeAndKlon 30: My “Last Day On Earth” Rig

#CoffeeAndKlon is my occasional Sunday magazine-style series, where I talk about whatever’s on my mind about guitars, gear, music and yes, sometimes my love of both coffee and the Klon pedal.

If tomorrow was going to be your last day on Earth, and you could spend it playing just one guitar rig (that you already own), what would you be playing?

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