Back in February, I finally got myself an MXR Duke of Tone pedal.

What do I think of it? Read on for my First Impressions.
Continue reading “(Belated) First Impressions: MXR Duke of Tone”Tone. At Home.
Back in February, I finally got myself an MXR Duke of Tone pedal.
What do I think of it? Read on for my First Impressions.
Continue reading “(Belated) First Impressions: MXR Duke of Tone”Rather than do a ‘best of’ style post, every year I’m doing a rundown of what guitars I’ve had my hands on, and what I’ve learned from the experience.
This post covers guitars that I play at home for fun. I’ll cover the guitars that I gig with tomorrow.
Previous years: [2019] [2020] [2021]
Continue reading “2022 Review: Guitars For Home Playing”#TeleTuesday is my occasional series where I share my own feelings and experiences with Fender’s original solid-body electric guitar … warts and all.
Do all Telecaster bridge pickups basically sound the same? Can you get the same sound (or close enough) from a non-Telecaster guitar? Let’s find out.
Continue reading “#TeleTuesday: Bridge Pickup Comparison – Part 1: Blind Test”August was shaping up to be a very quiet month, gear-wise. I had a plan: I was going to pick up just the one pedal – as long as I could find it nice and cheap.
But then something came along that I knew I’d regret if I didn’t get it …
Continue reading “New Arrivals: August 2022”Back in May 2021 (where did the time go?!?), I picked up a second-hand Tone City Sweet Cream Overdrive pedal. I’ve finally put it onto my pedal board, to see what it can do.
Is it a outright clone of the Sweet Honey Overdrive, or does it have something different to offer? Read on for my First Impressions.
Continue reading “First Impressions: Tone City Sweet Cream Overdrive”Rather than do a ‘best of’ style post, every year I’m going to do a rundown of what guitars I’ve had my hands on, and what I’ve learned from the experience.
This post covers guitars I play at home for fun. I’ll cover the guitars that I gig with tomorrow.
Previous articles: [2019][2020]
Continue reading “2021 Review: Guitars For Home Playing”It’s not every pedal that gets not one, but two First Impressions posts here on the HomeToneBlog. In fact, I believe this is the first one that I’ve done this for.
How does the Mad Professor Super Black preamp pedal sound, when I run it straight into a power amp? Let’s find out.
Continue reading “First Impressions: Mad Professor Super Black Pedal (Straight Into A Power Amp)”I recently managed to tear myself away from my beloved Tweed Deluxe amp long enough to snag a second-hand Super Black pedal. And I swear that I didn’t realise this is (partially!) a tweed pedal when I bought it!
Continue reading “First Impressions: Mad Professor Super Black Preamp Pedal (Into The Front Of An Amp)”Regular readers are probably bored with me talking about the state of the second hand market here, so I’ll keep that brief. Anecdotally, there still isn’t a lot of second hand gear turning up, and (again anecdotally) it’s becoming more and more common for sellers to list second-hand guitars at above-retail prices. eBay has really cut back on its offers this month too, which probably isn’t helping the situation.
This month, though, there has been a number of interesting (to me) items crop up. Unfortunately, I’ve been unable to even think about bidding on them because I’ve been into hospital for an operation, and it’ll be July before I’m fully recovered and able to lift amps and guitars again.
I was able to pick up a couple of pedals off my wish list, thankfully. And this month saw the release of a new guitar that’s completely blown me away. Read on to learn more!
Continue reading “New Arrivals: May 2021”I recently picked up another of the Boss Legend Series pedals: the FDR-1.
Is this dinosaur of a pedal a dud or a delight? As with its sister pedal the FBM-1, it all depends on what guitar you play … and what you want to use it for.
Continue reading “First Impressions: Boss FDR-1 Fender ’65 Deluxe Reverb Overdrive Pedal”