Rather than do a ‘best of’ style post, every year I’m going to do a rundown of what pedals I’m using, and why.
Continue reading “2019 Review: Pedals”Studio Diary #15: Revisiting Old Gear
I’m currently getting my home studio more organised, and along the way I’m sharing my thought process, decisions, discoveries and regrets.
One of the benefits of this autumn’s home studio mini-revamp is that it’s now pretty easy to use any piece of gear that I’ve currently got. I’ve been taking advantage of that, by revisiting old pieces of gear that didn’t get much use in the past.
Thanks to the cleaner cabling, I’m finally able to hear this gear at its very best. And – spoiler alert! – I’m rapidly falling in love with a couple of items that I never got on with first time around.
Continue reading “Studio Diary #15: Revisiting Old Gear”CoffeeAndKlon #23: Drums For The Home Studio
This conversation was originally published on my Twitter feed.
For today’s #CoffeeAndKlon, I’ve switched instruments entirely. These are my first impressions of the Roland SPD-SX sampling pad, KT-10 kick trigger, and the PDS-10 stand.
Continue reading “CoffeeAndKlon #23: Drums For The Home Studio”CoffeeAndKlon #22: Who Needs Pedals When You’ve Got A Great Amp?
This conversation was originally posted to my Twitter feed.
Good afternoon! I’m a bit late with this week’s #CoffeeAndKlon. There’s a couple of reasons why. And one of them does involve the Klon.
I’ve been a bit flat for most of this past week. Delivered a couple of workshops and a talk on the Saturday and Wednesday, and didn’t have much left in the tank after that.
So Thursday and Friday, I’ve mostly been finishing off the home studio revamp. A bit of upgraded gear, and mainly about getting the gear I already have back into use.
Continue reading “CoffeeAndKlon #22: Who Needs Pedals When You’ve Got A Great Amp?”Studio Diary #14: I Didn’t Need To Cable Up The SYN-1 FX Loops
I’m currently getting my home studio more organised, and along the way I’m sharing my thought process, decisions, discoveries and regrets.
One of the main reasons I’m doing this studio revamp is so that I can use my stereo Synergy Amps rig regularly again.
Continue reading “Studio Diary #14: I Didn’t Need To Cable Up The SYN-1 FX Loops”Studio Diary #13: The Planet Waves / D’addario Cable Station Cables … Aren’t Very Reusable
I’m currently getting my home studio more organised, and along the way I’m sharing my thought process, decisions, discoveries and regrets.
For the past few years, I’ve been using the D’Addario (formerly Planet Waves) Cable Station system to make my own solderless patch cables. I like it because it gives me the convenience of making custom-length cables, and I rarely make a dud cable.
I used to have a huge pedal board with 20 pedals on it. I tore that down earlier in the year, giving me a lot of Cable Station connectors and cable to try and reuse – along with some new connectors that I ordered in for the studio revamp.
The results have been mixed.
Continue reading “Studio Diary #13: The Planet Waves / D’addario Cable Station Cables … Aren’t Very Reusable”Studio Diary #12: The Neutrik NYS-SPP-L1 Is A Pain
I’m currently getting my home studio more organised, and along the way I’m sharing my thought process, decisions, discoveries and regrets.
I’ve spent the last two days getting the studio rack wired up at last. And, during the process, I’ve grown a bit frustrated with the Neutrik NYS SPP-L1 patchbay that I bought for this project.
Continue reading “Studio Diary #12: The Neutrik NYS-SPP-L1 Is A Pain”Studio Diary #11: Thunderbolt 3 Brings A New Problem
I’m currently getting my home studio more organised, and along the way I’m sharing my thought process, decisions, discoveries and regrets.
When I traded for the Apollo x6, I couldn’t test it right away. Universal Audio don’t include a Thunderbolt 3 cable with their Apollo units. I had to buy one separately from somewhere.
It’s frustrating that UAD (and their competitors!) don’t include an essential cable in the box. But I already knew that they didn’t. That’s an inconvenience, not a problem.
The problem is that Thunderbolt 3 cables are much shorter than Thunderbolt 2 cables. The Apollo x6 is in a studio rack about 3-4 metres away from where my computer normally sits.
Continue reading “Studio Diary #11: Thunderbolt 3 Brings A New Problem”Studio Diary #10: Cables – Build Or Buy?
I’m currently getting my home studio more organised, and along the way I’m sharing my thought process, decisions, discoveries and regrets.
With so many extra cables needed for the studio revamp, I’ve had some choices to make.
- When do I just use standard-length, off-the-shelf cables?
- When do I get cables made up to a specific length?
- When do I make my own cables?
Here’s what I’ve decided, and my thinking behind each choice. It’s too soon for me to say whether or not I’ve made good choices 🙂
Continue reading “Studio Diary #10: Cables – Build Or Buy?”Studio Diary #9: The Cost Of Cables Really Adds Up
I’m currently getting my home studio more organised, and along the way I’m sharing my thought process, decisions, discoveries and regrets.
One of the things I didn’t budget enough for is cables.
Continue reading “Studio Diary #9: The Cost Of Cables Really Adds Up”